Joe's quest for his cup of Joe
by Jake2
Meet Joe. Joe likes coffee, or, as some call it, a cup of joe. So, to sum it up, Joe likes joe.
One day, after a long day of sitting around, being middle-aged, Joe feels thirsty. He goes to pick up his coffee, only to realise its not there. Silly me, thought Joe, I must of left it at the top of a huge tower like a videogame character (foreshadowing).
Follow Joe as he embarks on the quest of a lifetime, ducking and dodging through obstacles, in the hardest game on the codezone (as of 27/03/24)!
(Pro tip: space to jump)
(ps: this took 4 months to make... which was A - a very long time, and B - about how long it will take for anyone to beat this game)
Update log:
V1.1- Bug fixes, minor balancing changes and a secret...?
V1.0- Initial release
Click on the game simulator below to start playing!